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Sunday, July 29, 2012

YouTube Channel Review: RickVanMan

I don't do this often, but I'm thinking I might. There are so many brilliant people on YT that it may require a thought...

RickVanMan's channel on YouTube ( This guy is awesome. I really like his style. He's easy to understand, easy to follow and VERY informative.

His channel is varietal, however he focuses on a lot of the homesteading things that we do. He has instructional and informative videos ranging from herbalism, how to make tinctures, and creams and other useful things with your herbs, foraging, and even gardening. He has many other things on there too. I find him very entertaining and chock full of information. He also answers questions in his comments sections, and is very knowledgeable!

Here is just one his videos about How to Make a Cream.. This is part of a series about herbalism basics.

Do you have other YT channels you enjoy and would like me to check out? Put it in the comments section!

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