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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Big decisions!

So, I've made a huge decision. I have decided that after I graduate from HACC, I need to grab a few acres and truly make Homesteading on the Small Scale happen on some property and not just in a condo.

I love small and simple living, and while I've toyed with going over to New Mexico, I realized I really love the East Coast, I don't care for sand, or scorpions, and my dog would be VERY unhappy in that kind of climate, and so would I. I then remembered fonder times in a little area called Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, and that is where I am looking into making this happen, but I am also keeping options open in another town, Gretna, VA.

My goal with this plan is to obtain less than 5 acres, clearing only what I need (1 acre) for gardening, a tiny house for a homestead and a barn for the livestock, mainly alpacas and goats. I'd like to leave the rest wild, and find a teacher who can show me how to properly forage without poisoning myself and without causing great harm on the environment.

Picking up and moving and downsizing even further than where I am now; 800 square feet to 200 or less is a HUGE thing and I'm not going to kid myself at complete self sufficiency, or even being completely off the grid, especially all at once. It will have to be a process, but once I make this transition, I don't plan on turning back. I'm ready to set down some roots in my own part of the country side.

Crowd-funding is the only way I'm going to be able to make this move with the overhead of building the house, buying the land and getting things going a bit. On the side, I've placed my indiegogo widget and you'd consider making a tiny donation to help make this happen, it would be so amazing. I would love to take this blog and make it better by bringing my knowledge into a more complete practice. I'd also like to be able to organize workshops and classes for others who may be interested in a similar lifestyle. The best that could come from this is immense; learning to live in a way that is more in tune with mother earth, with each other, and with oneself.

All it takes is your spare change in combination with what I'm able to do on my end, and we can add more forward momentum to the tiny house and homesteading movements.

Thank you for your donations and your support! I hope to see you all soon with a new entry. If there is a topic you'd like to read about, let me know.

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